The goals of this project are:
- to understand the basic elements of the World Wide Web and its protocols.
- to learn how real-world multi-threaded servers are built.
- to apply scheduling algorithms to a working system.
- gain experience in reading and modifying existing code.
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| package http;
import*; import*; import java.util.Scanner;
public class HttpClient { private static final int port = 8080; public static void main( String[] args ) { try { System.out.println( "请输入你要得到的文件:" ); Scanner scanner = new Scanner( ); String filename =;
Socket s = new Socket( "localhost", port ); PrintStream writer = new PrintStream( s.getOutputStream() ); writer.println( "GET /" + filename + " HTTP/1.1" ); writer.println( "Host:localhost" ); writer.println( "connection:keep-alive" ); writer.println(); writer.flush();
InputStream in = s.getInputStream(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( in ) ); String firstLineOfResponse = reader.readLine(); String secondLineOfResponse = reader.readLine(); String threeLineOfResponse = reader.readLine(); String fourLineOfResponse = reader.readLine();
System.out.println( firstLineOfResponse ); System.out.println( secondLineOfResponse ); System.out.println( threeLineOfResponse ); System.out.println( fourLineOfResponse ); if ( firstLineOfResponse.endsWith( "OK" ) ) {
byte[] b = new byte[1024]; OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( "d:/client/" + filename ); int len = b ); while ( len != -1 ) { out.write( b, 0, len ); len = b ); } System.out.println( "数据传输结束" ); out.close(); in.close(); }else {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); String line = ""; while ( (line = reader.readLine())!= null ) { result.append( line ); } reader.close(); System.out.println( result ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
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| package http;
import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class HttpServer {
private static final int port=8080; public static void main(String[] args) { ServerSocket ss=null; Socket s=null; ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool=null; String Mode="FCFS"; try { ss=new ServerSocket(port); if(Mode=="FCFS"){ threadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(2, 4, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable>(3), new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardOldestPolicy()); }if(Mode=="SFF"){ threadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(2, 4, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(3), new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardOldestPolicy()); } while(true){ s=ss.accept(); threadPool.execute(new TaskThread(s)); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { try { ss.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
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| package http;
import*; import;
public class TaskThread implements Runnable, Comparable<TaskThread>{ private Socket socket = null; private BufferedReader reader = null; private PrintWriter writer = null; private long priority; public TaskThread(Socket s) { socket = s; } public void run() { try { OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream(); reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( socket.getInputStream() ) );
String firstlineofrequest = reader.readLine(); String uri = firstlineofrequest.split( " " )[1]; writer = new PrintWriter( out );
File f = new File( "d:/server/" + uri ); long fileLength=f.length(); setPriority(fileLength); if ( f.exists() ) { FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream( "d:/server/" + uri ); writer.println( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" ); writer.flush(); if ( uri.endsWith( ".html" ) ) { writer.println( "Content-Type:text/html" ); writer.flush(); }else if ( uri.endsWith( ".jpg" ) ) { writer.println( "Content-type:image/jpg" ); writer.flush(); }else { writer.println( "Content-type:application/octet-stream" ); writer.flush(); } for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { reader.readLine(); }
writer.println( "Content-length:" + file.available() ); writer.println(); writer.flush(); try { Thread.sleep( 1000 ); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); }
byte[] b = new byte[1024]; int len = 0; len = b ); while ( len != -1 ) { out.write( b, 0, len ); System.out.println( "1024" ); len = b ); out.flush(); } out.close(); }else { writer.println( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found" ); writer.println( "Content-Type:text/plain" ); writer.println( "Content-Length:20" ); writer.println(); writer.println( "Can Not Found File" ); writer.flush(); } } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setPriority(long fileLength){ this.priority=fileLength; } public long getPriority(){ return this.priority; } @Override public int compareTo(TaskThread o) { return priority < o.getPriority() ? 1 : (priority > o.getPriority() ? -1 : 0); } }